Palisade fence

Palisade fence


Palisade Fence (2.4m Ht)
Fabrication and supply of Palisade fence as per below specs & drawing.(Exclude RCC Blocks)
Material Specifications.(Regular)


■ Fence Height 2.4mtr
■ W Pales 17 pcs 68 x 3mm x 2200mm height
■ Crossbars 2 no’s 45 x 45 x 4mm
■ Post 100 x 55mm Thickness 3.6mm
■ Fish Plates 130 x 30mm
■ Nuts and Bolts 34 per panel M8 x 25mm
■ Rail fixing Bolts and Nuts M12 x 30mm
■ Exclude delivery and Installation

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