Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful Fencing tips in Dubai

Besides being a structure that divides two land areas, a fence can solve many problems for land or homeowners, including the containment for livestock, increasing appeal, or offering safety and security. Regardless of the materials used by a fencing supplier in Dubai, the most popular ones are wire, aluminum, chalk link, vinyl, wood and wrought iron. There are some fencing tips and the mistakes you have to avoid while installing a fence.

For the first two steps, the fencing company in Dubai recommends that the contractor is on autopilot. Still, for people who do them all by themselves, they must remember to check local ordinances for any guidelines that may apply to your fence before beginning construction, including your Homeowner’s Association. The most important thing is to locate all the buried utility lines and marks before digging.

Here are some fencing tips from a fence company in Dubai that could help the installer make proper fencing.

Fencing tips you Must need to know

  • One should double-check with materials received before starting work.
  • The concrete for corners and ends must be set entirely before tightening the monofilament line or hanging the fence mesh.
  • The installer must set a proper level to ensure perfectly plumb posts.
  • The installer should clear the dirt around the post to prevent the pooling of water.
  • Gravel or crushed stones should be used to the bottom of post holes, giving a solid base.
  • The installer must plan the gate placement before beginning construction to avoid issues with post and brace placement.
  • All the parts should be dry fit before drilling or installing.
  • Installation of post extensions should be done and post caps before the posts.
  • A product like a beck fence stapling system must be used, which includes air-driven fence stapling, which boasts holding power and superior corrosion protection, making these staples a reliable long term fence fastening solution.

The Don’ts

  • The installation must be done after checking the property lines carefully.
  • The installer must measure every spaced fence post carefully to mark all post placements in a line before digging.
  • Corner bracing must not be skipped because it carries the fence’s weight stretched in a dual direction, which means bracing should be added in each order for a more secure fence.
  • Don’t just dump the soil in around the posts and tamp down with foot.
  • The installer should add soil in layers of 6 inches and firmly tap with a wood post or tamping device before adding the next soil layer.
  • The installer must not install line posts before the monofilament.
  • Installing the monofilament line gives the perfect guideline for placing the posts.
  • The installer should not compromise the depth of your postholes.
  • Corner posts should sit a few inches below the frost line to prevent heaving, which means the installer should dig areas near the post to a depth of 30-36″.
  • The installer must not forget post caps to use; without them, water will be filled and deteriorate faster.

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